Email address requirements
Please note the requirements below for student and parent/guardian email addresses in the Genius SIS. Student Email Addresses Parent/Guardian Email Addresses
What skills do students need to succeed in an online course?
While VVA students are strongly supported by the instructor and school mentor, students need to be self-motivated so they do not fall behind. Students must be able to stay on task, meet deadlines, and ask for assistance when needed. Some keyboarding skills and knowledge of email and using a web browser are also helpful. Refer…
Do full-time students work from home or school?
Virtual Virginia courses may be accessed at any time from any place that has a computer with internet access. The decision to allow students to take courses from home or an alternative location is a decision made by their local public school; students and families should work with their local public school to determine the…
What are the responsibilities of the school and school division for a full-time VVA student?
For all Virtual Virginia courses, local schools must provide a local school counselor, a local mentor, all student services, and an adequate study area, and ensure access to computers, high-speed internet, headphones with microphones, a telephone, as well as other required hardware and software, as outlined in the Technology section of the VVA Handbook. Any required…
Can full-time students participate in their local school’s extracurricular activities? Are they able to graduate with their graduating class?
This is a decision of the local school.
How to create student accounts in bulk
To create Virtual Virginia student accounts in bulk for K–12 instruction, follow the directions below. This process must be completed by the local school counselor or division coordinator via the Virtual Virginia student information system (SIS). Please ask your SIS data manager to provide you with a CSV file containing the information for your students based…
How to retrieve semester/quarter grades (grades 6–12)
For courses for grades 6–12, schools may pull grades at any time for local reporting with the understanding that the earned averages are cumulative and will continue to change during the term until the term end date. Interim grade reporting is equivalent to taking a snapshot of the grade on a given date during the…
How to retrieve course grades (grades K–5)
K–5 grade reports provide extensive details on student progress toward academic standards as well as an earned numerical grade for each core content area (Math, Reading, Writing/LA, Social Studies, Science, STEM). Interim progress reports will be emailed out to parents/guardians and counselors/division coordinators twice during each semester (in September, November, February, and April). The interim…
How to request enrollment changes (start dates, meeting times, course withdrawals)
Schools/divisions may request the following types of Virtual Virginia enrollment changes via the VVA student information system (SIS): Follow the instructions below to make enrollment change requests.
How to enroll a student in a course
Ensure that all of the following have been created prior to any course enrollments: Remember that a student must already have an account in Genius SIS before that student can be enrolled in a course. Important: Do not enroll the same student in multiple terms for the same course (for example, enrolling a student J. Smith in the fall block,…