How to enroll a student in a course

Remember that a student must already have an account in Genius SIS before that student can be enrolled in a course.

Important: Do not enroll the same student in multiple terms for the same course (for example, enrolling a student J. Smith in the fall block, spring block, and full-year terms for English 9 would be incorrect). Doing so may cause unnecessary delays in actually securing enrollment for that student in any term for that course and/or may prevent a different student (at your school or another school) from being enrolled in the course in the appropriate term. Please enroll each student in only one term for each desired course.

To enroll a student in Genius:

  1. Using your counselor ID and password, log in to Genius. If you can’t remember your password, click the “recover password” link.
  2. Click the Students tab at the top of the page.
  3. Click the name of the student you wish to enroll.
  4. Click Enroll in Section on the left side of the page.
    • If you see a red notice at the bottom of the page asking you to update the student’s email
      address, you must do this and save. Once complete, return to step 2.
  5. Click the Type dropdown selector and choose the term (full-year, fall block/semester, spring block/semester, summer) for which this student will be enrolled in a course.
    • Visit the VVA course catalog to see the different terms in which a course is available.
    • Visit this page for an explanation of the various academic terms offered.
  6. Click the Course dropdown selector to choose the course.
    • If you cannot find a course in the term you selected, try choosing “Core Course” as the Type and then searching for the course.
  7. Grades 6–12 (regular academic year) only: Click the Meeting Time dropdown selector to choose the meeting time for daily synchronous instruction.
    • If you don’t yet have a specific time to choose for a student, select the earliest meeting time available in the dropdown. You will be able to update the meeting time at a later point in the enrollment period.
  8. Click the Mentor dropdown selector to choose the student’s mentor.
    • If the mentor you want to select is not listed, you will need to create that mentor in Genius (see instructions later on this page). For now, select one of the mentors listed and you can change the student’s mentor after completing the enrollment process.
  9. For Start Date, select a date that is closest to your school’s start date. Choose accurately, as you will not be able to change this yourself later. (End dates are flexible and may be communicated with individual instructors.)
  10. Click the checkbox to certify that the listed support elements will be provided to the student.
  11. Click the green Enroll button at the bottom of the page. If the enrollment is successful, a confirmation message will appear with a green checkmark.
  12. If this is a fee-based enrollment, select a payment type.
    • To view your school’s Payment Queue in Genius, click the Payment Queue button in the lefthand navigation.
    • When enrolling students in VVA courses, the counselor, school coordinator, or division coordinator of record should regularly check the Payment Queue for the addition of any fee-based enrollments and choose a payment type for the enrollments (i.e., credit card or invoice).
    • If a payment type has not been identified in the Payment Queue within two calendar days, enrollments on the Payment Queue will be removed. Those students then must be enrolled again.
    • To make a payment to complete the enrollment process, follow the instructions on this page.

For information specific to enrolling a K–5 student, refer to these instructions.