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Have a question about Virtual Virginia? Browse or search our Support Center articles, which include frequently asked questions about course registration, grades, account creation, and more.

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Are any textbooks or materials required for summer courses?

Some courses require specific textbooks or materials. Please check the list of required course textbooks and materials to ensure students are prepared for the first day of class.

Are Summer Session courses self-paced?

No. Students move through the course material at the pace set by their instructor, and due dates are established to ensure that students complete the course by the designated end date. Due dates are throughout the week, Monday through Friday. Late assignment submissions are subject to a late penalty, and zeroes will be given for […]

Can a homeschooled student take an AP exam?

Yes, homeschooled students are eligible to take Advanced Placement exams. However, it is the responsibility of the homeschooling parent to coordinate with a local school. Please review the College Board website for homeschooled students taking AP exams.

Can a parent/guardian serve as a student’s VVA Mentor during Summer Session?

A VVA Mentor is required for every student enrolled in a Virtual Virginia course. For Summer Session, a parent/guardian may serve as a mentor at the school’s discretion. Please discuss this with the student’s enrolling school counselor. Read more about the role of VVA Mentors.

Can a summer course be canceled due to lack of enrollment?

While not common, sometimes a summer course is canceled due to low enrollment. Please know that Virtual Virginia works hard to ensure that courses will run as scheduled, and that cancellation of a course is always a last resort.

Can full-time students work at their own pace?

No, students move through the course material at the pace of their cohort (based on their start date). Benchmark due dates are established to ensure that students stay on pace to complete the course by the end of the school year, but students have flexibility between those due dates. All Virtual Virginia courses require that […]

Can students work at their own pace in VVA courses?

No, students move through the course material at the pace of their cohort (based on their start date). Benchmark due dates are established to ensure that students stay on pace to complete the course by the end of the school year, but students have flexibility between those due dates.

Do full-time students work from home or school?

Virtual Virginia courses may be accessed at any time from any place that has a computer with internet access. The decision to allow students to take courses from home or an alternative location is a decision made by their local public school; students and families should work with their local public school to determine the […]

Do students have to attend all synchronous instructional sessions in summer courses?

Students are encouraged to attend synchronous sessions with their instructors as much as possible, as it is essential for quality learning to take place. Students are not penalized if they cannot attend live, and recordings are posted in courses for students to view. If students are not able to participate in synchronous sessions, then they […]

Do Summer Session courses include synchronous instruction?

Yes, instructors hold synchronous instructional sessions in Summer Session courses. These sessions are held daily during set times Monday through Friday. All synchronous sessions are recorded, and the recordings are posted in the course.

Do VVA courses meet NCAA eligibility requirements?

Courses in grades 9–12 that meet NCAA eligibility requirements include those in the following subject areas: English, math (Algebra I or higher), natural or physical sciences, social sciences, world languages, comparative religion, or philosophy. Courses in other subject areas are not eligible for NCAA credit. Therefore, all VVA courses for grades 9–12 meet NCAA eligibility […]

Does a VVA mentor need to be a licensed teacher?

No. Mentors will proctor tests, be available to handle communication between the student and teacher as needed, monitor student progress, and assist students with technology issues. Ideally, the mentor is in the classroom with the students to promote an optimal learning environment. For more information on Virtual Virginia mentors, visit the Virtual Virginia Mentors page.

Does Virtual Virginia have a grading scale?

No, Virtual Virginia provides a numeric average that represents a student’s performance in the course. The local school determines the letter grade based on the grading scale used for students in local courses.

Email address requirements

Please note the requirements below for student and parent/guardian email addresses in the Genius SIS. Student Email Addresses Parent/Guardian Email Addresses

Fee-Based Enrollments: 2-Day Deadline to Choose Payment Type

When enrolling students in VVA courses, the counselor, school coordinator, or division coordinator of record should regularly check the Payment Queue for the addition of any fee-based enrollments and choose a payment type for the enrollments (i.e., credit card or invoice). If a payment type has not been identified in the Payment Queue within two calendar days, enrollments on the Payment […]

How do I enroll my child in the full-time program?

Contact your local school counselor to enroll in the full-time program.

How do I get a transcript or credit?

Virtual Virginia does not issue transcripts or award credit for courses taken through our program. Please contact the enrolling school counselor for transcripts or credits.

How is the full-time program different from the VVA part-time program?

Virtual Virginia’s full-time program offers all required core academic courses and electives necessary to earn a standard or Advanced Studies diploma. Students in grades 6–12 who enroll through their local public school in 10 or more semester-equivalent Virtual Virginia courses are considered full-time students. While some full-time students take their courses outside of the traditional […]

How many Summer Session courses can a student take?

This is up to the local school, and the local school counselor can advise an appropriate course schedule.