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Accommodations & Student Supports

The information on this page pertains to how accommodations and student supports are handled in K–12 courses taught by VVA instructors.

Student Observations

VVA Student Observation

If a designated school official (case manager, special education teacher, counselor, mentor, etc.) needs to monitor student progress and completed work within the learning management system, Virtual Virginia requires they complete a VVA Student Observer Account Request. Please contact [email protected] for this form.

Synchronous Session Observation

If a designated school official (case manager, special education teacher, counselor, mentor, etc.) needs to observe a student during a synchronous session on a specific date and time, Virtual Virginia requires they complete an Observation Request and Confidentiality Agreement. Please contact [email protected] for this document.

Types of Accommodations & Student Supports



Virtual Virginia does not assume the local school responsibility to provide Section 504, IEP, or other documented services for students enrolled in VVA courses. To support student success in VVA courses, local school counselors and mentors are required to facilitate the implementation of all student services.

When a student is enrolled in a VVA course, the enrolling school will indicate if a 504/IEP is in place and share the appropriate accommodations. Prior to the course beginning, the VVA instructor will conference with the school personnel and will partner with the school throughout the term to ensure that student needs for support and enrichment are met.

The VVA model combines synchronous and asynchronous instruction, which allows for personalization of learning and differentiation. Daily synchronous instruction is provided for groups, and students have access to 1:1 and small-group instructional opportunities.

Typical accommodations provided by VVA include extra time, multiple attempts on assignments, chunking of content, reduced assignments, a screen reader for read-alouds on content and assessments, and closed captioning. Proximal accommodations and supports provided by special education teachers are the responsibility of the enrolling school. VVA can permit school personnel (e.g. case managers) certain permissions on the VVA platform to further support students.

The goal is to support students and ensure the enrolling school is informed and involved throughout the time a student is enrolled in a VVA course. Also, students enrolled in VVA courses may return to the enrolling school at any point in the future, and this transition is more fluid if the enrolling school has been a partner throughout their online learning experience. In the event of any complaint, the local school will assume the recipient responsibilities.

Advance Notice of Large Assignments/Tests

Advance Notice of Large Assignments/Tests

Online course expectations are transparent. Course requirements and upcoming due dates are provided at least one month in advance during the course.

Alternative Testing Location

Alternative Testing Location

Assessments are taken at the school’s discretion of time and place, according to the VVA course calendar.



The VVA instructor will show students how to use the online calculator provided in appropriate math courses. Students may also use a personal calculator when permitted by the instructor or when it is a documented accommodation for a student. 

The enrolling school will provide the SOL calculator, Desmos, for the end-of-course SOL assessment.

Content Organization (Splitting/Chunking)

Content Organization (Splitting/Chunking)

Course content is split/chunked into individual lessons. Lesson information is organized logically through content, application/practice, and assessments. Information is divided into separate pages to make the quantity manageable and to limit scrolling. VVA instructors can work 1:1 with students to break up larger assignments into manageable parts.

Closed Captioning

Closed Captioning

Closed captioning is available on all media content in the Canvas LMS and in synchronous sessions via Zoom.

Dictionary or Translation Tool

Dictionary or Translation Tool

The ReadSpeaker app provides a dictionary and translation option in 19 languages for content on all lesson pages and in all assessments.

English Language/ELL Support

English Language/ELL Support

The enrolling school provides this service to students.

Extended Time on Assignments/Assessments

Extended Time on Assignments/Assessments

The Canvas LMS fully supports the accommodation for extended time or individualized pacing on assignments and assessments.

Frequent Breaks

Frequent Breaks

Breaks are provided throughout the day as a part of the synchronous schedule. Facilitating breaks is the responsibility of the supervising adult.

Frequent Checks for Understanding

Frequent Checks for Understanding

Checks for understanding are built into asynchronous content through interactives. VVA instructors will check for understanding during synchronous sessions through a variety of methods, such as polls, chat, and verbal checks.

Frequent Reminders for Attention and Focus

Frequent Reminders for Attention and Focus

Redirection with verbal and nonverbal prompts (timers, signals, etc.) will be supported by the VVA instructor when working synchronously. 

Provide or co-create with families/supervising adult written or visual reminders to redirect attention during synchronous and asynchronous work.

Gifted Education

Gifted Education

“Gifted” is a local school/division designation and implemented in different ways across the state. Students enrolled in VVA remain part of their local school and participate in gifted programming/activities via the enrolling school with their peers. Students’ course grades and weights also follow the approved local school grade scale. This approach helps students feel connected to their school and community while learning online.



If a student requires the services of an interpreter, the local school designates the interpreter to work directly with the student during synchronous instruction. The VVA instructor will share synchronous meeting time details with the interpreter.

Larger Text

Larger Text

Since work is done on a computer, font size and clarity can always be adjusted using the ReadSpeaker app or zoom feature on the student’s browser/device.

Modified Texts or Alternative Readings

Modified Texts or Alternative Readings

VVA courses do not provide alternative books or modified text. We recommend that the family and students talk to the school counselor or mentor before registering for a course.

Multiple Attempts on Assignments

Multiple Attempts on Assignments

The Canvas LMS fully supports the accommodation for multiple attempts on quizzes or assignments.

Occupational Therapy Support

Occupational Therapy Support

The enrolling school provides this service to students.

Oral Quizzing/Testing

Oral Quizzing/Testing

Oral assessments may be scheduled with the VVA instructor during office hours.

Physical Manipulatives (Grades K–5)

Physical Manipulatives (Grades K–5)

VVA instructors will direct students on how to use physical manipulatives (such as counting cubes) during synchronous instruction. Physical manipulatives are on the list of required supplies to be purchased by the local school for student use at the K–5 level.

Print Copies of Notes, Study Guides, etc.

Print Copies of Notes, Study Guides, etc.

All lesson content is printable, and VVA instructors can share slides from synchronous sessions with students. A working printer is needed for any lesson components that should be printed for the student.

Read-Aloud and Audio Testing

Read-Aloud and Audio Testing

The ReadSpeaker app supports read-aloud accommodations on all lesson pages and in all assessments.

Redirection with Verbal and Nonverbal Prompts

Redirection with Verbal and Nonverbal Prompts

During synchronous instruction, redirection with verbal and nonverbal prompts are supported by the VVA instructor. 

During asynchronous instruction, redirection with verbal and nonverbal prompts are supported by the supervising adult(s) when working asynchronously.

Checks for understanding and restatement of concepts can be done in small groups and 1:1 meetings with the VVA instructor.

Reduced Assignment Lengths

Reduced Assignment Lengths

Assignments and assessments may be reduced or chunked by the VVA instructor upon approval. Requests for reduction will be reviewed on an individual basis. Modifications to assignments and assessments must cover all related standards to demonstrate student mastery.

Repeated Directions to Facilitate Understanding

Repeated Directions to Facilitate Understanding

Repetition of directions will be supported by the VVA instructor when working synchronously. VVA instructors can work 1:1 with students to facilitate understanding of directions and tasks.

Special Education Support

Special Education Support

The enrolling school provides this service to students.

Special Subjects for Grades K–5

Special Subjects for Grades K–5

While Virtual Virginia provides supplemental instruction in physical education/wellness, art, dance, music, computer science, and world languages within the current K–5 schedule, we encourage students to participate in and have access to the local school’s special classes, such as library, music, art, and physical education.  

Virtual Virginia’s goal is for each student to remain a part of the school community. The local enrolling school retains autonomy to provide additional specials, student services, screeners/diagnostic exams, and SOL assessments per the school/division policies and local timelines.

Speech Pathologist Support

Speech Pathologist Support

The enrolling school provides this service to students.

Visual Aids

Visual Aids

Visual aids are incorporated in the course lesson pages as appropriate. Additional graphic organizers may be implemented by the VVA instructor.