Registration, Grades, and Account Creation
How to share or confirm responsible school codes for data reporting
For accurate data reporting, Virtual Virginia requires that each participating school with fall membership provide and/or confirm its four-digit responsible school code, as determined by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), within the VVA Genius student information system (SIS). The responsible school code for each Virginia public school with current enrollments may be found in…
How to share your school/division’s end-of-year grade reporting deadlines
Many schools have different deadlines by which they need end-of-year course grades. Each academic year, a school counselor or school/division coordinator should share the date(s) by which their school or division requires final grades for graduating students (seniors) and non-graduating students (underclassmen). Please keep in mind that all student work must be submitted prior to…
How to Enroll a K–5 Student
Follow the instructions below to enroll a student in elementary (grades K–5) instruction with Virtual Virginia.
How to view all active/inactive user accounts for a school
To view all active and inactive user accounts for your school, follow these instructions:
How to view an enrollment fee balance report for your school or division
A Division Balance Report will show all enrollments for a specific term and the associated enrollment fees (if any). To run a Division Balance Report, follow the instructions below: Note: For additional help with or questions about Division Balance Reports, please contact VVA Support at [email protected].
Student Login Instructions
View the video below for instructions on how to log in to your Virtual Virginia course(s) as a student. Before you begin, be sure you’ve set up your VVA student password.
How to retrieve a lost or forgotten VVA password
If you lose or forget your VVA password, follow these instructions: If successful, you will see your VVA dashboard! Remember to keep your new password private so that your VVA account will remain secure.
How to set up your VVA student password
To set up your password and access your VVA student account, follow these instructions: If successful, you will see your VVA dashboard! Note that as a student, you can access your VVA online courses once they begin on their respective start dates. Remember to keep your new password private so that your VVA account will…
How to view a Parent Auditor Account
To view the login information for an existing Parent Auditor Account as a counselor or coordinator, follow these steps: If a Parent Auditor Account is not present, then you will need to create the Parent Auditor Account.
How to manage the account of a student who has graduated
The “Alumni” status in the Genius SIS is reserved only for students who have graduated from high school. To set a student’s status to Alumni, follow these instructions on to update the student’s account. Never set a student’s status to Alumni unless they have completed grade 12 and graduated. Otherwise, if a student moves to…