General FAQs

  • What are the responsibilities of the school and school division?

    Students who are enrolled in and attending a Virginia public school may enroll in a Virtual Virginia course with prior approval of the local school, and must be enrolled by a local school counselor or other school-assigned designee. The local school, and school division agree to provide a local school counselor, local mentor teacher, all…

  • How do I get a transcript or credit?

    Virtual Virginia does not issue transcripts or award credit for courses taken through our program. Please contact the enrolling school counselor for transcripts or credits.

  • Does Virtual Virginia have a grading scale?

    No, Virtual Virginia provides a numeric average that represents a student’s performance in the course. The local school determines the letter grade based on the grading scale used for students in local courses.

  • Can students work at their own pace in VVA courses?

    No, students move through the course material at the pace of their cohort (based on their start date). Benchmark due dates are established to ensure that students stay on pace to complete the course by the end of the school year, but students have flexibility between those due dates.

  • Who teaches VVA courses?

    Virtual Virginia employs instructors who are licensed in Virginia and appropriately endorsed for the courses and grade levels they teach. VVA instructors are highly qualified and have experience/training in distance learning. Virtual Virginia provides instructors with appropriate professional development training in specific content areas and best practices of online instruction.

  • What skills do students need to succeed in an online course?

    While VVA students are strongly supported by the instructor and school mentor, students need to be self-motivated so they do not fall behind. Students must be able to stay on task, meet deadlines, and ask for assistance when needed. Some keyboarding skills and knowledge of email and using a web browser are also helpful. Refer…

  • What constitutes a transfer enrollment?

    During the academic year, three types of transfer enrollment requests may be made: military transfers, transfers related to documented medical conditions, and transfers to the local school. A transfer enrollment to a Virtual Virginia course may be made only if the student was already enrolled in the equivalent course—and has a currently passing grade—at his…