Middle School (6–8)

  • Japanese II

    In this course, students will expand their knowledge about the Japanese language and Japanese culture. Students will have the opportunity to further develop the skills to explain various things in their surroundings. By the end of the course, students will learn the casual form of Japanese conversation, which is a more authentic daily language. This…

  • Japanese I

    This course establishes the foundation of the Japanese language, including the Japanese language writing systems of hiragana, katakana, and some kanji. Students will learn functional grammar, vocabulary, phrases, and cultural concepts that apply to various practical real-life situations. The course also promotes understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture and society. This course aligns with the Virginia…

  • Italian II

    In this course, students will build on their introductory studies in the Italian language and culture. Students will learn functional grammar, vocabulary, phrases, and cultural concepts that apply to various practical real-life situations and promote understanding and appreciation of Italian culture and society. This course aligns with the Virginia Standards of Learning for Modern Roman Alphabet…

  • Visual Arts (Grade 8)

    This course gives students an opportunity to explore the arts through the application of skill and media development while considering perspectives of artists and careers in the arts. Students will develop critical thinking skills as they embark on their own journey of engaging with 2D and 3D media. As students expand their own creativity and…

  • Visual Arts (Grade 7)

    This course is designed to stimulate the creativity and personal development of students by working in an interactive art studio. The students work with a variety of art media, both two-dimensional and three-dimensional. The proper use of art tools and care of materials are explained and demonstrated. Art creation, art history, critical analysis, collaboration, and…

  • General Music (Grade 8)

    This course aims to broaden a student’s horizons concerning the music of various times, places, and cultures. Through the use of hands-on activities and active listening experiences, students will obtain knowledge of basic musical concepts such as pitch, rhythm, melody, form, dynamics, and musical notation, eventually enabling the student to spend time creating music in…

  • General Music (Grade 7)

    This course aims to develop student’s skills in the creative process of music. In addition to gaining hands-on experience in music theory activities that include rhythm, melody, notation, scales, improvisation, composition, and arrangement, students will learn the functions and connections of music to communities, cultures, arts, and technology. Students will engage in multiple modes of…

  • Physical Science 8

    Physical Science 8 emphasizes the nature and structure of matter and the characteristics of energy. Areas of study include the periodic table; physical and chemical changes; nuclear reactions; temperature and heat; sound; light; electricity and magnetism; and work, force, and motion. Research and experimentation and the manipulation of variables to validate conclusions will also be…

  • Life Science 7

    Life Science 7 emphasizes studying change, life cycles, patterns, and relationships. Students gain an understanding of these principles through the study of cellular organization; the classification of organisms; the relationship among organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems; and change due to the transmission of genetic information from generation to generation. Students will continue to build scientific reasoning,…

  • Mathematics 8

    Mathematics for grade 8 continues to build on the concepts needed for success in high school-level algebra, geometry, and statistics. Students will explore real numbers and the subsets of the real number system. Proportional reasoning is expounded upon as students solve a variety of problems. Students find the volume and surface area of more complex…