General Environmental Science I (Dual Enrollment ENV 121)
This dual enrollment course explores fundamental components and interactions that make up the natural systems of the earth. The course introduces the basic science concepts in the discipline of biological, chemical, and earth sciences that are necessary to understand and address environmental issues. This is the first course in a two-course series. This is a…
Physical Science 8
Physical Science 8 emphasizes the nature and structure of matter and the characteristics of energy. Areas of study include the periodic table; physical and chemical changes; nuclear reactions; temperature and heat; sound; light; electricity and magnetism; and work, force, and motion. Research and experimentation and the manipulation of variables to validate conclusions will also be…
Life Science 7
Life Science 7 emphasizes studying change, life cycles, patterns, and relationships. Students gain an understanding of these principles through the study of cellular organization; the classification of organisms; the relationship among organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems; and change due to the transmission of genetic information from generation to generation. Students will continue to build scientific reasoning,…
AP Physics 2
AP Physics 2 covers electric force, field and potential, electric circuits, magnetism and electromagnetic induction, thermodynamics, fluids, geometric and physical optics, and quantum, atomic, and nuclear physics. This course is equivalent to a second-semester college course in algebra-based physics. This course aligns with the College Board’s learning goals for AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based.
AP Physics 1
AP Physics 1 covers Newtonian mechanics (including rotational dynamics and angular momentum); work, energy, and power; and mechanical waves and sound. The course also introduces students to electric circuits. AP Physics 1 is equivalent to a first-semester college course in algebra-based physics. This course aligns with the College Board’s learning goals for AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based.
Physics I
Physics I is an algebra-based introductory survey of the field of physics, which is the study of matter and energy and their behaviors and interactions. Topics include one- and two-dimensional kinematics, forces, energy, momentum, waves and sound, optics, electricity, and modern physics. This course aligns with the Virginia Standards of Learning for Physics.
AP Environmental Science
AP Environmental Science is designed to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze natural and human-made environmental problems, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. This course will…
Earth Science II: Oceanography
In Oceanography, students will take a journey through the ocean realm. Oceanography applies the sciences of geology, biology, chemistry, and physics to Earth’s oceans. The course also examines engineering for the development of devices that allow scientists to explore underwater depths. This course aligns with the Virginia Department of Education’s Science Content Guidelines for Earth Science…
Earth Science II: Astronomy
In this course students learn about the universe, solar system, stars, planets, and other celestial objects. Students will examine the Earth’s position in the solar system in relation to the sun and moon. The course also explores the planets and other celestial objects in our solar system, as well as stars, constellations, and celestial coordinates.…
Environmental Science
Environmental Science is the study of abiotic and biotic factors in the environment, including human impact on planet Earth. Major units of study include an overview of scientific skills, cycles of matter on Earth, physical aspects of Earth (including rocks and plate tectonics), the living environment (including ecology and population studies), and natural resources. Additional…