K–12 Online Instruction
Virtual Virginia provides online instruction to students throughout the Commonwealth. Virginia-certified instructors teach courses from kindergarten through the twelfth grade, through daily synchronous instructional sessions and asynchronous content, assignments, and feedback.
Elementary School Instruction
Online K–5 instruction in core academic subjects, plus instruction in a variety of special areas, including world languages, fine arts, health & PE, and computer science
Middle & High School Instruction
More than 140 online courses taught by Virginia-certified instructors for grades 6–12, covering core academics, electives, world languages, CTE, and more
Advanced Coursework
A variety of opportunities to pursue college credit, gain advanced instruction, and better prepare for higher education and successful careers

High school and middle school courses
See the standards-based courses we offer for high School and middle school students, developed and taught by Virtual Virginia’s state-certified online instructors.
Synchronous vs. Asynchronous: What’s the Difference?
Synchronous Instruction
For synchronous instruction of VVA courses in a school setting, live instruction is delivered to all students simultaneously. Each student interacts with the VVA instructor individually, and a mentor is present to support students and interact with the VVA instructor as needed.

Asynchronous Instruction
For asynchronous instruction of VVA courses in a school setting, students access their online courses, complete work, and ask their instructor for help. A mentor is present to support students and interact with the VVA instructor.

How to be a successful online student
Get the inside scoop on the steps you can take each day to be successful when taking online courses with Virtual Virginia!