High School (9–12)

  • Introduction to Early Childhood Education

    Students in this course prepare to be primary providers of childcare services by focusing on the planning, organizing, and conducting of meaningful play and learning activities. Course topics include child monitoring and supervision, record-keeping and referral procedures, and work-based learning experiences. Students also prepare for continuing education leading to careers in early childhood fields (e.g.,…

  • Introduction to Health & Medical Sciences

    This course introduces the student to a variety of healthcare careers and develops basic skills required in all health and medical sciences. It is designed to help students understand the key elements of the U.S. healthcare system and to learn basic healthcare terminology, anatomy and physiology for each body system, pathologies, diagnostic and clinical procedures,…

  • Creative Writing

    Creative Writing offers a broad survey of fictional and nonfictional forms of writing techniques and skills, and practice in original writings, peer review, and revision. Students will write in a variety of forms, including autobiography, poetry, drama, fiction, creative nonfiction, and digital storytelling. Students produce a portfolio of work, which includes reflections on the writing process,…

  • World Mythology

    This course introduces the academic study of mythology through an examination of the role archetypes play in the development of a culture’s spiritual perspective as sources of myths. Literary elements such as symbols, themes, and plots of myths are analyzed, enabling the student to identify common characteristics and patterns in myths originating in various cultures…

  • AP English Language & Composition

    AP English Language & Composition is a writing-intensive course that focuses on creating civically engaged, critically thinking, reflective writers able to analyze and implement strong rhetoric. Students will read and analyze specific pieces of nonfiction and fiction from a variety of time periods and genres in context of their rhetorical strategies, including rhetorical appeals, organization,…

  • English 12

    In English 12, students write informative, expository, and persuasive essays and produce a well-documented research paper. During the writing process, students demonstrate their understanding of grammatical conventions and practice techniques for improving their writing style and fluency. A survey of British literature helps students relate to the political, social, and philosophical perspectives of each historical…

  • English 11

    English 11 is designed to follow the development of American literature from its early beginnings to the contemporary era, including sermons, diaries, speeches, short stories, poetry, novels, and journalism. Students will write a research paper and other persuasive essays and will gain exposure to writing and rhetorical techniques grounded in primary sources and key pieces…

  • English 10

    In English 10, students continue to build upon skills learned in earlier grades. There is a sustained emphasis on reading comprehension by comparing fiction and nonfiction texts. Students will analyze the cultural and social functions and universal themes of fictional texts from different cultures. This course aligns with the Virginia Standards of Learning for English 10.

  • AP Art History

    AP Art History explores the nature of art, its uses, its meanings, art-making, and responses to art. Through investigation of diverse artistic traditions of cultures from prehistory to the present, the course fosters in-depth and holistic understanding of the history of art from a global perspective. Students will explore works of art in a 250-image…

  • Visual Art & Design I

    This is an introductory course with an emphasis on the elements and principles of design. Drawing is stressed in the preparation for each project in this survey course. Composition, design, ceramics, sculpture, and printmaking techniques, as well as historical and contemporary art will be included. This course aligns with the Virginia Standards of Learning for Visual…