05154 Middle School Art Exploratory

Fine ArtsMiddle School (6–8)

This course offers students the opportunity to explore basic arts techniques and theory in a variety of media. Students will develop their art skills, learn new studio habits, grow as artists, develop critical thinking skills, expand their creativity, and experiment with art-making using both 2D and 3D media. Students will learn about the nature of creativity, the elements of art, basic art history, art and technology, and art careers and community.

This course aligns with the Virginia Standards of Learning for Visual Arts.



Course Texts and Materials


  • 8.5″ x 11″ or 9″ x 12″ sketchbook (100+ pages)
  • Pencils (not mechanical) and erasers
  • Pencil sharpener
  • 2 black Sharpie markers
  • Crayons
  • Coloring pencils
  • Washable markers
  • Watercolor paints
  • Paintbrushes
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Access to a smartphone camera or webcam
  • Ability to create videos and presentations (Google Slides, Powerpoint, etc.)
  • Ability to create a simple website (Google Sites, Wix, etc.)
  • Access to a digital drawing application (Google Draw, Sumopaint, etc.)


Optional (for Choice Assignments)

  • Pastels
  • Charcoal
  • Acrylic paints
  • Watercolor paper
  • Canvas
  • Other art supplies preferred by the student


Important Considerations for the Content of This Course’s Instructional Materials

Terms Offered

  • Spring Semester


  • 0.5 Credits