How to retrieve course grades (grades K–5)

Interim progress reports will be emailed out to parents/guardians and counselors/division coordinators twice during each semester (in September, November, February, and April). The interim reports cover strengths, concerns, and overall progress in core academic areas (emerging, progressing, exceeds expectations).

Quarterly (9 weeks) grade reports will be available for division coordinators and counselors to download from the VVA student information system (SIS) according to the dates posted in the Academic Calendar.

To retrieve a student’s grade report, please log in to the VVA using your counselor/division coordinator account and follow the instructions below.

  1. Using your counselor/division coordinator ID and password, log in to Genius. If you can’t remember your password, click the “recover password” link.
  2. Click the Affiliations tab.
  3. On the next screen, select your school’s name.
  4. On the left side of the next screen, click Students. Click the Enrollments column header twice for students currently enrolled to be listed at the top.
  5. Click on a student name.
  6. Click on External Files to retrieve the VVA Grade Report.
  7. Click on View to download the file. This report may be downloaded for use at the local level.

Repeat the process for each student enrolled from your affiliation.


  • The quarterly grades should be averaged for the semester and final course averages.
  • The local division will convert numerical grades to the local scale for grade reporting needs.

