Courses in grades 9–12 that meet NCAA eligibility requirements include those in the following subject areas: English, math (Algebra I or higher), natural or physical sciences, social sciences, world languages, comparative religion, or philosophy. Courses in other subject areas are not eligible for NCAA credit.
Therefore, all VVA courses for grades 9–12 meet NCAA eligibility requirements except for the following:
- Career & Technical Education (CTE)
- Business Management
- Health Informatics
- Introduction to Early Childhood Education
- Introduction to Family & Human Services
- Introduction to Health & Medical Sciences
- Principles of Business & Marketing
- Sustainability & Renewable Technologies
- Computer Science
- Introduction to Network Concepts (Dual Enrollment ITN 101)
- Microcomputer Operating Systems (Dual Enrollment ITN 106)
- Network Security Basics (Dual Enrollment ITN 260)
- Personal Computer Hardware & Troubleshooting (Dual Enrollment ITN 107)
- Software Design (Dual Enrollment ITP 100)
- Fine Arts
- AP Art History
- AP Music Theory
- Art Appreciation (Dual Enrollment ART 100)
- General Music I
- Visual Art & Design I
- Health & PE
- Health & PE 9
- Health & PE 10
All other courses are approved. A full list of approved courses is available at