Career & Technical Education (CTE)

  • Health Informatics

    In this course, students will have the opportunity to explore the importance of safeguarding electronic healthcare information. Students will be introduced to the various technologies and trends that affect the healthcare industry. Students will also explore aspects of health informatics, including the history of health information technology in the United States, the Electronic Health Record…

  • Introduction to Family & Human Services

    In this course, students will learn about the Human Services career cluster and the professional opportunities available. The student’s leadership, interpersonal, and workplace readiness skills will be developed through a variety of activities. In addition, they will learn how Human Services careers help individuals and families and will be given opportunities to experience this career…

  • Business Management

    The focus of this course is to establish business principles and practices that form the groundwork for all business operations. Business fundamentals such as economic, legal, and social foundations are presented. Students will examine the process of organizing businesses, marketing products and services, financing operations, managing and developing employees, and making difficult business decisions in…

  • Family & Consumer Sciences Exploratory II

    This course helps students develop essential knowledge and skills to lead better lives, be career-ready, build strong families, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. Note: Completer sequences and certifications do not apply.  This CTE course aligns with Virginia’s required student tasks and competencies for Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory II.

  • Family & Consumer Sciences Exploratory I

    In this course, students will prepare to be life-ready as they manage individual, family, career, and community roles and responsibilities. Note: Completer sequences and certifications do not apply.  This CTE course aligns with Virginia’s required student tasks and competencies for Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory I.

  • Career Investigations

    This middle school course allows students to explore career options and begin investigating career opportunities. Students assess their roles in society, identify their roles as workers, analyze their personal assets, complete a basic exploration of career clusters, select career pathways or occupations for further study, and create an Academic and Career Plan based on their…

  • Make It Your Business

    Students in this course design, establish, and operate a small-group or class business, producing a service or product that meets an identified school or community need. Emphasis is placed on the introduction and application of business terminology, basic entrepreneurship concepts, and fundamental business principles. Basic academic skills (mathematics, science, English, and history/social science) are integrated…

  • Introduction to Early Childhood Education

    Students in this course prepare to be primary providers of childcare services by focusing on the planning, organizing, and conducting of meaningful play and learning activities. Course topics include child monitoring and supervision, record-keeping and referral procedures, and work-based learning experiences. Students also prepare for continuing education leading to careers in early childhood fields (e.g.,…

  • Introduction to Health & Medical Sciences

    This course introduces the student to a variety of healthcare careers and develops basic skills required in all health and medical sciences. It is designed to help students understand the key elements of the U.S. healthcare system and to learn basic healthcare terminology, anatomy and physiology for each body system, pathologies, diagnostic and clinical procedures,…

  • Principles of Business & Marketing

    In this course, students explore the role of business and marketing in the free enterprise system and the global economy. Students are prepared to make decisions as consumers, wage earners, and citizens. Instruction includes banking and credit, business and marketing economics, the free enterprise system, and business operation.