Summer Session
Student Login Instructions
View the video below for instructions on how to log in to your Virtual Virginia course(s) as a student. Before you begin, be sure you’ve set up your VVA student password.
How VVA reports daily attendance during Summer Session (Grades 6–12)
Meaningful interactions between the student and teacher are critical for student success in Virtual Virginia courses. School division attendance policies for online learning vary across the state. VVA reports daily attendance through the VVA SIS, and schools/divisions may retrieve this information for local attendance reporting needs according to local school/division policies. Counselors, coordinators, and mentors:…
Can a summer course be canceled due to lack of enrollment?
While not common, sometimes a summer course is canceled due to low enrollment. Please know that Virtual Virginia works hard to ensure that courses will run as scheduled, and that cancellation of a course is always a last resort.
How to make a payment with a Parent/Guardian Auditor Account
To make an enrollment fee payment using your Parent Auditor Account, follow the instructions below:
How many Summer Session courses can a student take?
This is up to the local school, and the local school counselor can advise an appropriate course schedule.
Do students have to attend all synchronous instructional sessions in summer courses?
Students are encouraged to attend synchronous sessions with their instructors as much as possible, as it is essential for quality learning to take place. Students are not penalized if they cannot attend live, and recordings are posted in courses for students to view. If students are not able to participate in synchronous sessions, then they…
Are Summer Session courses self-paced?
No. Students move through the course material at the pace set by their instructor, and due dates are established to ensure that students complete the course by the designated end date. Due dates are throughout the week, Monday through Friday. Late assignment submissions are subject to a late penalty, and zeroes will be given for…
How much time should a student expect to spend on coursework during Summer Session?
Summer courses last six weeks and cover the same content as courses held during the regular academic year. Students should plan accordingly when it comes to completing coursework and meeting course deadlines. On average students spend between 4–5 hours daily on their coursework and synchronous instruction.
Do Summer Session courses include synchronous instruction?
Yes, instructors hold synchronous instructional sessions in Summer Session courses. These sessions are held daily during set times Monday through Friday. All synchronous sessions are recorded, and the recordings are posted in the course.
Is a Summer Session course the same as a course offered during the regular school year?
Yes. The pacing has been adjusted to fit the Summer Session calendar, but the courses are the same as those taken during the regular school year and satisfy all pertinent state standards. The course credit weight is also the same.