General FAQs

  • Can a homeschooled student take an AP exam?

    Yes, homeschooled students are eligible to take Advanced Placement exams. However, it is the responsibility of the homeschooling parent to coordinate with a local school. Please review the College Board website   for homeschooled students taking AP exams.

  • Do VVA courses meet NCAA eligibility requirements?

    Courses in grades 9–12 that meet NCAA eligibility requirements include those in the following subject areas: English, math (Algebra I or higher), natural or physical sciences, social sciences, world languages, comparative religion, or philosophy. Courses in other subject areas are not eligible for NCAA credit. Therefore, all VVA courses for grades 9–12 meet NCAA eligibility…

  • Does a VVA mentor need to be a licensed teacher?

    No. Mentors will proctor tests, be available to handle communication between the student and teacher as needed, monitor student progress, and assist students with technology issues. Ideally, the mentor is in the classroom with the students to promote an optimal learning environment. For more information on Virtual Virginia mentors, visit the Virtual Virginia Mentors page.