Blueprints for Better Blending
2024 Blended Learning Conference
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Note: Conference registration is now closed.
Virtual Virginia and VSTE will host our fourth annual free, one-day Blended Learning Conference for Virginia educators.
This year, the fully online conference will again highlight some of the amazing things Virginia educators and leaders are doing to improve instruction and create blended learning experiences that are meaningful and engaging for learners in the Commonwealth.
The annual Blended Learning Conference gives educators the opportunity to engage in sessions and conversations about how to design and implement high-quality blended learning experiences for their students. The event allows Virginia educators to elevate and share their work in the blended learning landscape with the rest of the Commonwealth.
Participants who attend all four breakout sessions and successfully complete the four related reflection quizzes will earn a certificate worth five hours of professional learning.
Feature: “Blueprints for Better Blending”
Read this feature from Instructure, which dives deep into the history of the conference, what to expect this year, and insights from the conference organizers.
On February 17, the online conference will follow the agenda below:
- 9:30 a.m.—Participant Login & Greetings
- 10 a.m.—Breakout Session 1
- 11 a.m.—Breakout Session 2
- 12 p.m.—Breakout Session 3
- 1 p.m.—Breakout Session 4
- 2 p.m.—Conference Concludes
Presentation Topics
Presentations will cover a wide variety of topics. Below is a small sample of what you can expect:
The Pac-Man Blueprint: Enhancing Blended Learning with Power Pellets of Productivity
Katie Fielding, STEM Coach, Prince William County Schools, Virginia
In every classroom—even the ones with the most inspiring lessons—some students struggle with self-regulation. Just like Pac-Man navigates through his maze, we’ll discuss strategies to help students navigate through the maze of coursework, exams, and projects by explicitly teaching “power pellet” strategies.
Let’s Build a World!
Yolanda Montague, Elementary Technology Teacher, Staunton City Public Schools, Virginia
Have you thought about including technology into your curriculum in a way that helps with student learning and doesn’t become one more thing to master? Learn how to use CAD programs with learners as early as kindergarten! This session will guide you through easy-to-use, interactive, and intuitive programs that will keep your students engaged.
Canvas for Littles!
Suzy Lolley, Instructional Technology Coach, Paulding County School District, Georgia
Do you feel like your primary-grade students are at a disadvantage when it comes to technology? Maybe you know that Canvas is great, but your kids can’t use it…or can they? In this session, learn practical advice for making sure your learners can run with the big kids and access the same LMS, all in ways that work for littles.
And here’s the complete list of presentation categories for the conference:
- Blended Learning: General Strategies/All Models
- Canvas for Littles (Canvas for Younger Learners)
- Collaborative Learning/Student Collaboration
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Ed Tech Tool Showcase
- Family/Community Engagement
- Gamification
- Instructional Coaching/Mentoring
- Personalized Learning Pathways/Differentiated Instruction
- Professional Learning
- Project-Based Learning
- Student Engagement Strategies
- Student Voice and Choice
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
For questions about the 2024 Blended Learning Conference, please contact VVA Professional Learning Coordinator Steven Sproles at [email protected].