10152 Computer Science Programming with Python (SOL)

Computer ScienceHigh School (9–12)

Computer Science Programming with Python builds on the concepts introduced in the Computer Science Foundations and Computer Science Principles courses. Using the Python programming language, this course continues the study of computer programming and prepares students to write programs of increasing complexity to solve problems of personal interest and professional relevance in a variety of technical fields. Additionally, this course provides the knowledge and experience to prepare students for further studies in computer science. The majority of this course will address algorithms and programming.

This non-CTE course aligns with the Virginia Standards of Learning for Computer Science Programming.

Quality Matters Certification

This course has met Quality Matters Review Standards.


Computer Science Foundations and Computer Science Principles (recommended)

Course Texts and Materials



(See the Technology Handbook for more information.)

Terms Offered

  • Spring Block 2026


  • 1 Credit