24404 Chinese III

World LanguagesHigh School (9–12)Middle School (6–8)

In the Chinese III course, students continue to develop and refine their proficiency in all four Mandarin Chinese language skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—with an emphasis on their ability to interact orally and in writing. Students will communicate using more complex language structures on a variety of topics, moving from concrete to more abstract concepts. At this level, students comprehend the main ideas of the authentic materials that they read and hear, and they are able to identify significant details when the topics are familiar.

This course aligns with the Virginia Standards of Learning for Modern Non-Roman Alphabet Languages.


Chinese I and Chinese II (required)

Course Texts and Materials


  • Learn Chinese with Me 3: Student’s Book (with 2 CDs)*
    Publisher: People’s Education Press
    ISBN 7107177192


*This textbook/resource is currently under review for 2023–2024.

Terms Offered

  • Full Year 2025-2026


  • 1 Credit