02203 AP Statistics

MathematicsHigh School (9–12)Advanced Placement

AP Statistics is a college-level, non-calculus-based course in introductory statistics designed to present strategies for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students will work on projects and investigative tasks involving the hands-on gathering and analysis of real-world data. They will learn to interpret and judge the statistical information in the world around them.

This course aligns with the College Board’s learning goals for AP Statistics.


Algebra II (required). Pre-Calculus/Mathematical Analysis (recommended).

Course Texts and Materials



  • Barron’s AP Statistics (any edition)
    Publisher: Barron’s Educational Series
  • TI-Nspire CX calculator (including student software)

Terms Offered

  • Full Year 2025-2026


  • 1 Credit