04204 AP Macroeconomics

History & Social StudiesHigh School (9–12)Advanced Placement

AP Macroeconomics is a college-level course that focuses on how the whole economy behaves, including regional, national, and global markets. Much of what students will study in AP Macroeconomics is the theory of economics and the effects of economic decisions made in these markets.

Please note that this is a 0.5 credit course. Students generally combine this course with AP Microeconomics to earn a full credit toward graduation. This course does not fully satisfy the Virginia graduation requirement that all students complete an Economics and Personal Finance course. Students taking AP Macroeconomics also need to complete the one-semester Personal Finance course to fully satisfy the Virginia graduation requirement.

This course aligns with the College Board’s learning goals for AP Macroeconomics.


Economics & Personal Finance (recommended)

Course Texts and Materials



  • Advanced Placement Economics: Macroeconomics: Student Edition (Fourth Edition)
    ISBN: 978-1-56183-668-0
    Publisher: National Council on Economic Education
  • 5 Steps to a 5: AP Macroeconomics, 2018 edition
    ISBN-13: 978-1259863868
    ISBN-10: 1259863867
    Note: The 2015, 2016, and 2017 editions are also good. The most recent version is not essential for students to successfully review.

Terms Offered

  • Spring Semester 2026


  • 0.5 Credits