05153 AP Art History

Fine ArtsHigh School (9–12)Advanced Placement

AP Art History explores the nature of art, its uses, its meanings, art-making, and responses to art. Through investigation of diverse artistic traditions of cultures from prehistory to the present, the course fosters in-depth and holistic understanding of the history of art from a global perspective. Students will explore works of art in a 250-image set supplied by the College Board, as well as additional supplementary works, applying essential art historical skills of identification and categorization through visual, contextual, and comparative analysis.

This course aligns with the College Board’s learning goals for AP Art History.


Success in humanities courses, such as history and literature, or in studio art courses (recommended)

Course Texts and Materials



  • The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in Art History from Prehistoric to Post-Modern (2nd edition)
    ISBN-10: 0836280059
    ISBN-13: 9780836280050
  • Gardner’s Art through the Ages: A Concise Global History (4th Edition)
    ISBN-10: 1305659511
    ISBN-13: 9781305659513


Important Considerations for the Content of This Course’s Instructional Materials

Terms Offered

  • Full Year 2025-2026


  • 1 Credit